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This July, voters in Mexico will elect a new president. As it stands, candidates from the PRI and PAN parties are struggling to achieve momentum as they argue that Mexico needs policy continuity. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, an old school-style leftist who once served as Mexico City’s mayor, is leading in the polls. (Lopez Obrador is also known by his nickname, AMLO. He ran and narrowly lost Mexico’s last two presidential elections in 2006 and 2012).

I invite you to continue reading this interesting note, in which, I analyze together with my collaborator Arie Ellstein, the possible scenarios about the upcoming elections in Mexico City.

Alejandro Romero

SOCIO Y CEO GLOBAL EN LLYC Experto en comunicación corporativa financiera, comunicación de crisis, litigios, marketing, comunicación Online y consultoría estratégica.